During the ARMDOCT three-day workshop in Tsakghadzor, we had the pleasure to host distinguished speakers who shared their experiences of collaborative research projects in Armenia.

Veronika Aghajanyan, Program Coordinator at FAST Foundation, presented the collaborative research initiatives with a particular emphasis on the ADVANCE program. Ms. Aghajanyan highlighted, that “We have serious challenges with the competitive human capital in Armenia, especially in STEM-related research fields. Therefore, along with increasing GDP’s share on R&D, we need to urgently revive the education system, especially in the areas that can secure Armenia a strong position in the global value chains, such as for instance the field of AI (given the international trends and that strong math is a part of our culture”.

She pointed out a number of actions to take into consideration when reforming the doctoral programs, in particular: (i) modernization of the existing programs and development of new ones; (ii) internationalization through the integration of co-tutelle practice and joint international (and interdisciplinary) programs; (iii) collaboration with industry: academia representatives and private companies to identify the challenge, work collaboratively, and co-create new knowledge. This will stimulate the new product development, joint publications, and improve the country’s position in international scientific rankings; (iv) filling the gaps of research supervisors (PIs) by using the Diaspora scientists’ resources.

As presented by the speaker, the ADVANCE grant program targets some of these challenges and actions. It is designed to fund long-term international research projects, where research supervisors are distinguished scientists invited from abroad, who also actively teach in Armenian HEIs and strengthen the content of the doctoral programs.