The ARMDOCT Project 4th coordination meeting took place on April 2, 2021. The project management team discussed the virtual monitoring feedback conducted by the National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia. It is worth mentioning that the overall feedback on project progress and performance is positive, but there are also certain observations and recommendations the project team needs to take into account. Based on the NEO monitoring feedback it was agreed: (i) to develop the Risk Mitigation Strategy in support of EU partners, as well as WP5 leader and co-leader, (ii) discuss the draft policy with PhD students by all AM partners and ensure ongoing involvement on the institutional level, (iii) constantly update the intuitional websites and channels of Armenian partners on the basis of project implementation and progress. In general, all suggestions and recommendations of the NEO team were acceptable for the partners.

Presenting the updates on equipment installation at AM partner institutions Ms. Arevik Ohanyan informed that all AM partners have received the equipment and are in the process of designing the co-working spaces for researchers. The updates can be followed here:

Ms. Kristina Tsaturyan /WP2 leader/ presented the updates of WP2 implementation informing the partners that according to the planned structure and methodology the 5 thematic task force groups have studied the admission, study and research organization, graduation requirements, as well as the university-industry cooperation possibilities on the PhD degree level. The groups have highlighted the required reforms and recommendations, based on which the drafting team was formed to develop the National Policy for the development of Doctoral Education in Armenia (NPD) and later the National Framework for Doctoral Studies and Award of National Diploma of Doctor (NFDS).

She also informed that the research results of 5 task force groups as well as the draft version of NPD have been presented during the Tsaghkadzor’s Hybrid workshop. Speaking about the further actions Ms. Tsaturyan reminded that public consultations and discussions of the Concept Paper are envisaged before the MESCS approval. It was also noted that for the development of legal framework and by-laws the methodology should be adopted soon.

In terms of Quality Assurance (WP5) Dr. Tatjana Bulajeva presented the aim and details of mid-term quality report, as well as expectations from partner institutions. The partners agreed to prepare self-assessment reports collecting evidence-based information about their involvement and contributions to WPs, which would be basis for the mid-term quality report.

The Project management team also discussed and agreed on various administrative and financial management issues.