Major outcomes
- National Policy for Development of Doctoral Education in Armenia (NPD)
- National Framework for Doctoral Studies and Award of National Diploma of Doctor (NFDS)
- Legal framework (NPD and NFDS) adopted by the Armenian Government for pilot implementation
- Institutional Handbook for Doctoral Education adopted by institutional authorities
- Training packages developed by EU partners (publicly available in the project’s download area)
- Pilot reports of newly established 5 Doctoral Schools
- Trained staff of higher education institutions, Scientific-Research Institutions and the Ministry
- Network created (memorandum signed between consortium members and beyond for doctoral education development)
Doctoral schools (DS) to be piloted
- DS in Pedagogy (YSLU and ASPU) to be mentored by the UCP
- DS in Technological Sciences (NPUA, UFAR and IIAP) to be mentored by the UNITE
- DS in Mathematics (YSU, VSU) to be mentored by the VU
- DS in Economic Sciences (ISEC, EIU) to be mentored by the JML3U
- DS in Medical Sciences (YSMU) to be mentored by the UCP