ARMDOCT-MINERVA Inter-Project Meeting
February 10, 2021
The consortium members of Erasmus + ARMDOCT and MINERVA projects co-funded by the European Union met for experience exchange and inter-project consultation.
The Local Coordinator of the “Strengthening Research Management and Open Science Capacities of HEIs in Moldova and Armenia” (MINERVA), the Head of International Cooperation Office at Yerevan State University Alexander Markarov presented the project activities, upcoming plans, and intellectual outcomes of the project.
The MINERVA project presentation was followed by the “Reforming Doctoral Education in Armenia in line with Needs of Academia, Industry and Current EU Practices” (ARMDOCT) project presentation. The ARMDOCT project Coordinator, the Head of Research Incubator of Eurasia International University Arevik Ohanyan presented the general objectives and the planned policy and institutional reforms of doctoral education, as well as the outcomes achieved throughout the first year of the project implementation.
The presentations were followed by discussion and consultation with Dr. Markarov and MINERVA project members with an emphasis on open science and requirements for doctoral students.