ARMDOCT Project Coordination Meeting at COBRAIN Scientific-Educational Center
May 22, 2022
The ARMDOCT project coordination meeting took place on May 13 at YSMU COBRAIN Scientific-Educational Center for Fundamental Brain Research․
The purpose of the meeting was to debrief the experience observed at Vilnius University and to discuss the main directions of the reform of Doctoral Education in Armenia. As a result of the meeting, the project members analyzed the visit to Lithuania, as well as discussed the possibilities of implementing international best practice in Armenia. The structural, process and content related changes necessary for the reform of Doctoral Education, the opportunities and problems of establishing collaborative, interdisciplinary Doctoral Schools were also discussed.
Project members highlighted the need of piloting newly developed admission, credit mobility and recognition, supervision and co-sepervision processes, as well as monitoring mechanisms and toolkit within the consortium. The significance of increaseing the efficiency of educational and research processes at the third cycle of higher education were, once again, underlined.
The coordination meeting was concluded with presentation of the COBRAIN project and tour in the centre organized by Prof. Konstantin Yenkoyan, YSMU Vice-Rector for science, COBRAIN Project Manager.