
Major outcomes

  1. National Policy for Development of Doctoral Education in Armenia (NPD)
  2. National Framework for Doctoral Studies and Award of National Diploma of Doctor (NFDS)
  3. Legal framework (NPD and NFDS) adopted by the Armenian Government for pilot implementation
  4. Institutional Handbook for Doctoral Education adopted by institutional authorities
  5. Training packages developed by EU partners (publicly available in the project’s download area)
  6. Pilot reports of newly established 5 Doctoral Schools
  7. Trained staff of higher education institutions, Scientific-Research Institutions and the Ministry
  8. Network created (memorandum signed between consortium members and beyond for doctoral education development)

Doctoral schools (DS) to be piloted

  1. DS in Pedagogy (YSLU and ASPU) to be mentored by the UCP
  2. DS in Technological Sciences (NPUA, UFAR and IIAP) to be mentored by the UNITE
  3. DS in Mathematics (YSU, VSU) to be mentored by the VU
  4. DS in Economic Sciences (ISEC, EIU) to be mentored by the JML3U
  5. DS in Medical Sciences (YSMU) to be mentored by the UCP
