
The ARMDOCT project proposal was prepared resting on the experience French University of Armenia, which is coordinating a project on reforming the doctoral education in Armenia (“Promoting internationalization of research through establishment and operationalization of Cycle 3 Quality Assurance System in line with the European Integration Agenda” (C3QA), within which a Synthesis of issues of the legal and institutional regulatory framework of the Cycle 3 programme was produced: the analysis served as a bases for the ARMDOCT project: as the analysis highlights, there is an urgent need for revising the national and institutional regulatory framework.  The analysis within the C3QA was among the major sources of the ARMDOCT project idea.

Number of other recent or ongoing projects correlate with ARMDOCT, which are targeted at relatively

narrow issues: structural developments of the third cycle cased on Salzburg Principles (VERITAS)”; revision of teaching methodologies, up skilling of staff in research (MODEST), revision of

curricula in public health and social sciences (DPPHSS), cooperation with industry and creation of Cooperative R&D Units (ALL4R&D), adoption of open science principles (MINERVA), introduction of Cycle 3 QA System (C3QA) etc. The outcomes of ARMDOCT will enhance the effectiveness of other research-oriented projects financed by the EACEA, as the national level regulatory documents will finally be revised and ratified (commitment of MESA). The integration and synergies of the mentioned projects’ will significantly increase the effectiveness of reforms and the impact on the national and institutional levels. This will be achieved through inter-project coaching and ongoing consultancy meetings with the project staff.